Why does back pain occur?

Back pain is a symptom of more than 20 diseases. These are cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a neurologist, cardiologist, pass some tests and perform tests. Treatment should be started immediately after diagnosis, as delay may exacerbate the situation.

Back pain can appear in the spine, under the shoulder blade, under the ribs, and in the lumbar region.

upper back pain

Spine pain also has different localizations:

  • neck pain;
  • chest pain;
  • back pain;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • pain in the tail bone.

Feelings of pain may be local or radiate to the limb, under the shoulder blade, to the shoulder.

Patients ’pain is classified as aching, shot, sting, and frying. This mainly refers to pain in the chest and lower back.

It is caused by back pain

With a number of diseases of the spine and pinching of nerve endings, the back can ache. But these diseases often and for a long time do not make themselves felt. Pain appears when there is a provocative factor in which the disease appears to wake up from hibernation. You will then need to take painkillers and treat the disease itself.

Causes of pain

  1. Long-term muscle tension.
  2. Severe physical overload.
  3. Prolonged, unchanged posture. A person sits or stands for a long time without changing their body position, without warming up.
  4. Spine injury.
  5. Hypothermia of the body.

What contributes to back pain

  • rachiocampsis;
  • little physical activity;
  • improper weight lifting;
  • inappropriate furniture that causes discomfort in the spine;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Diseases that cause back pain

  1. The spine is osteocondritis.
  2. Myositis of the muscles of the spine.
  3. Neuralgia.
  4. Radiculitis in the lumbar region.

Symptoms of diseases that cause back pain

the back pain radiates to the shoulder

The spine is osteocondritis

It is an inflammation of the intervertebral discs in which their deformation occurs.

The pain of osteochondrosis hurts, which does not allow you to endure physical activity for a long time. Painful feelings sometimes go away and reappear in unpleasant circumstances. In severe cases, a disc herniation develops. The back pain gets worse. The patient is temporarily unable to work.

Myositis of posterior muscle fibers

Painful pain is exacerbated by deep breathing or movement. Sometimes the pain does not allow a person to fall asleep. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly, the patient shivering. The sore muscles thicken and ache when touched.

Intervertebral neuralgia

Causes constant pain. The pain is worse when the person is breathing deeply, sneezing or coughing. The pain seems to surround the spine, radiating between the ribs. When touched, the muscles are not tense but painful. Along with intercostal neuralgia, pain occurs due to angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. In this case, the pain radiates to the heart.

Lumbosacral sciatica

In case of inflammation of the lumbosacral spine, pain can be given to the leg or gluteus muscle. Muscle cramps occur. The aching pains are interrupted by shooting pains. In such severe pain, the patient is unable to move and only sits calmly.

During an attack of neuralgia, you become numb from the painful shock. There may be pain, numbness, a burning sensation or a slight tingling sensation. People called this condition lumbago.

How to treat back pain caused by spinal diseases?

  1. With pain, the patient should move as little as possible.
  2. Sleep on a comfortable, solid mattress.
  3. Take anti-inflammatory drugs, released in tablets and ampoules. In case of severe pain, injections are given. The ointment should be applied not only to the site of pain dislocation, but also to the surrounding tissues. Ointment containing bee or snake venom should only be used on the sore spot.
  4. Preparations with a warming effect. They improve blood circulation and relieve pain. The use of mustard plasters also helps.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures such as electrophoresis and ultrasound help. Sometimes acupuncture is used.
  6. Painkillers are used for severe back pain caused by sciatica or neuralgia. Or they make a blockade of novocaine.
  7. Vitamins B are prescribed by injection. You can then take tablets.

Back pain is caused by diseases of the internal organs. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor with a thorough examination.

How to treat back pain in remission:

  • special exercises;
  • orderly work and rest system;
  • severe physical inadmissibility;
  • physiotherapy;
  • treatment in a sanatorium;
  • use of vitamins B. They improve the nutrition and alleviate inflamed tissues.
  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • surgery for a spinal hernia is sometimes prescribed in the neurosurgery department.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The following rules should be followed to avoid spinal diseases.

  1. Pay attention to your posture
  2. Do not lift heavy objects.
  3. Pursue an active lifestyle.